About Us
Principal's Message
Dr. Saroj, Principal

At B.Ed and D.El.Ed College in Patna, we strive to develop in each student a positive attitude towards teaching profession, positive self concept and an enthusiasm for self learning. The college offers a variety of programmes and learning opportunity for students and teacher.

We believe that Education cannot be imparted in vacuum to the children, It is only a teacher who can shape the clay and mould it according to the requirements of time and trends of the society. There is no doubt that education is the instrument of social change. But it is the teacher who plays his positive role in bringing such a change. The teacher has to identify the talents and potentials hidden in the learner and nurture these. Teacher is bestowed with the greatest responsibility of nurturing the mind of learners. Practical aspect of training the teachers is emphasized and taken care of special attention to foster among its faculty and students.

The college emphasizes to create through educational training qualitative educators for educating the emerging generations.

Dr. Saroj, Principal


May 22
Seminar on B.Ed. Session 2015-16

Lajawab Banquet Hall
12 PM to 3 PM