About Us
Aims & Objectives

Our Aims and Objectives


  1. Personalized training through Integral Pedagogy and mentoring.
  2. All round training that is intellectual, cultural, social, emotional, physical, aesthetic, moral and spiritual.
  3. In-service training for teachers.
  4. Use of IT communication media and innovative practices.
  5. Documentation and Research.
  6. Environment education for substainability, and
  7. Empowerment of subalterns including women.


  1. To promote high standards of professional education in students so that they can use their potential to play a critical role in shaping the texture of society & nation as well.
  2. Fostering innovative, responsible & systematic integration of technology in education along with humanistic skills.
  3. Develop a good understnding, knowledge & technical skills to enable students to measure & manage performance in their concerned organizations.
  4. Develop skills for logistic development of learner.
  5. Develop skills in all the functional area of education & management by providing multiple opportunities for experience based learning.
  6. Provide such education that will influence thinking and achievements at that work place.
  7. Develop good conceptual understanding of contemporary skills & their application.
  8. Give an insight into the financial aspects of a business operation.
  9. Develop key management & tutorial skills.
  10. Build necessary skills functional knowledge & attitude to enable students for smooth working in any environment.